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Let’s get in touch

Write us. Give us a call. Make smoke signals or send us a carrier pigeon (well-done, please, and with teriyaki sauce). We will take a look at your company and come to the get-to-know meeting and do a live analization of your presence and provide omnichannel optimization ideas. And if you still do not want to work with us, at least you will have learned something useful for your company. In this case, only you would benefit, but we are happy to do it. We are like Mother Theresa among communication agencies. Honestly.

    Not through the tube? Alright, then please like this:

    Emails, e-cards (who the hell ever used those?) and other digital expressions of affection:
    office (at) offroadcommunications.com

    Calls, prank calls and verbal endearments:
    +43 (0)1 276 316 7

    Letters, carrier pigeons and inappropriate gifts:
    offroad communications GmbH
    Laudongasse 54/2
    1080 Vienna

    FN: 469166a


    Our Businesshours

    Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 18:00 Uhr

    Where to find us

    offroad communications GmbH
    Laudongasse 54/2, 1080 Wien
    Tel: +43 1 276 316 7
    E-Mail: [email protected]